Paris tripartite statement - Reducing Inequalities for Sustainable Development

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The French ministry of Labour organized on 19 December 2019 a high level meeting gathering G7 members as well as international social partners and international organizations to strengthen the multilateral dialogue and the tripartite dynamic for the reduction of inequalities. This meeting was an important step in following up on the commitments of the G7 Social held in June 2019, in particular after the adoption of the G7 Social Tripartite Declaration, a first in the history of the G7. In this framework, to move from words to action, and following substantive discussions with G7 members and heads of the ILO, the OECD and the IMF, the French Minister of Labour, the heads of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International Organization of Employers (IOE), Business at the OECD and the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) endorsed a joint statement to ensure the effective implementation of the commitments made in the context of the G7 Social Tripartite Declaration. With this statement, they reaffirm that it is urgent to act together for tackling inequalities, promoting decent work, including fair and decent wages, universal access to social protection and hence, achieving more inclusive growth, shared prosperity and fair globalization. In the context of the digital, demographic and environmental transitions, they also commit to pursue this tripartite dynamic and to undertake a thorough follow-up of the Tripartite Declaration, including through regular technical and high-level discussions in the coming months.

Paris Tripartite Statement

of the French Minister of Labour, the General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the President of the International Organization of Employers (IOE), the Secretary General of Business at the OECD and the General Secretary of the Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC)

Reducing Inequalities for Sustainable Development
Follow-up to the G7 Social Tripartite Declaration

The G7 Social Tripartite Declaration, adopted on the occasion of the G7 Labour and Employment Ministerial Meeting (6-7 June 2019) under the French presidency, is a first in the history of the G7.

Concluded on the eve of the Centenary session of the International Labour Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO), by its very nature, the Tripartite Declaration has sent a strong message of commitment to tripartism and social dialogue and, as such, contributed to the adoption of the ILO Centenary Declaration on the Future of Work in June 2019.

While throughout the world, increased inequalities pose risks to sustainable growth, economic stability and social cohesion, including in advanced economies, the Tripartite Declaration contains a set of concrete and ambitious commitments to reduce inequalities in income and opportunities and to promote enabling environments for job creation, decent work and sustainable enterprises, for promoting the transition from the informal to the formal economy, skills development, sustainable growth and a more coherent and inclusive cooperation at the multilateral level between the ILO, the OECD and other relevant international organizations.

At a time where the world of work is undergoing rapid, global and profound changes, driven by technological innovations, demographic shifts as well as environmental and climate change, today more than ever, we reaffirm that “acting together is crucial for tackling inequalities, promoting decent work, including fair and decent wages, and hence, achieving more inclusive growth, shared prosperity and fair globalization”.

The G7 Social Tripartite Declaration identifies four goals that can contribute to the reduction of inequalities, namely “(1) strengthening coherence of the international organizations’ action and the respect of international labour standards; (2) extending access to social protection; (3) adapting labour market institutions and promoting skills development in the new world of work; and (4) closing the gender employment, participation and pay gaps”. The ILO Centenary Declaration provides important complementary guidance for action to reduce inequalities which should also be integrated in national policies.

We are convinced that, by adopting the right policies and through social dialogue, digital transformations and transitions to environmentally and socially sustainable economies can become a strong driver of job creation and quality of employment, job upgrading and social justice.

It is urgent time to act. Desirous to strengthen this tripartite dynamic and to ensure the effective implementation of the commitments made in the context of the G7 Social Tripartite Declaration, we will therefore undertake a thorough follow-up of the Tripartite Declaration, including through regular technical and high-level discussions, in accordance with the conclusions of the first follow- up meeting organized in Paris on 19 December 2019 with G7 members and International Organizations.